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Percentages in Numerical Reasoning Test

How to calculate for Percentages in Numerical Reasoning Test

  1. A simple trick,


For the first image, 30% of 60, it can be easily calculated by multiplying (30 x 60)/100=18

Alternatively, you can multiply, 3 by 6, which results in 18.

Another method is 10% of 60 =

10/100 x 60 = 6

Therefore, 30/100 x 60 = 18.


For the second image, 20% of 130 = (20/100) x 130 = 26

Or, 10/100 x130 = 13,

Therefore, 20/100 x 130 = 26.


From the question above, 65% of 30 = 19.5

The breakdown:

10% of 30 = 3, therefore 60% 0f 30 = 18

5% of 30 = 1.5, adding 60% & 5% = 18 + 1.5 = 19.5


45% of 20 = 9


(45 x 20)/100 = 9



Questions like 32% of 50, the values can also be calculated by rotating the figures, 50% of 32

Both questions will give you 16.

Another example is 33% of 20,  the values can be rotated like this, 20% of 33, the answer for both questions is 6.6.

–$70 – 30% =  (30/100 x  $70) = 21

$70 – 21 = $49


The above tips are sure and easy ways to get ready for Percentages in Numerical Reasoning Test.

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