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WATSON GLASER Graduate Online Assessment Practice Test [Year]

WATSON GLASER Online Practice Test

The Watson-Glaser Assessment Practice Test is your gateway to career success. It not only assesses your critical thinking skills but also provides valuable insights into your abilities and areas that need development. By preparing diligently and excelling in this test, you can enhance your employability and open doors to exciting career opportunities. Embrace the challenge, master the Watson-Glaser test, and embark on a journey toward a brighter and more prosperous future.

The Watson-Glaser Assessment Practice Test is a valuable resource designed to help individuals excel in these areas and achieve success in their careers. In this blog post, we’ll explore what the Watson-Glaser Assessment is, why it matters, and how practicing it can significantly impact your professional journey.

What is the Watson-Glaser Assessment Practice Test?

The Watson-Glaser Assessment Practice Test is a comprehensive evaluation tool used to assess a candidate’s critical thinking skills. It focuses on a candidate’s ability to analyze, interpret information, make decisions, and solve problems. Employers frequently use this test to identify individuals who can think critically, adapt to complex situations, and contribute effectively to their organizations.

Why is it Important?

  • Competitive Advantage: In a job market where competition is fierce, excelling in the Watson-Glaser Assessment Practice Test can give you a substantial edge. It demonstrates your capacity to think critically, evaluate information, and make informed decisions—qualities highly valued by employers.
  • Self-Improvement: Taking the Watson-Glaser Assessment Practice Test provides valuable insights into your critical thinking strengths and areas that may require improvement. This self-awareness can guide your career choices and help you focus on honing specific skills.
  • Career Alignment: The test results can help you align your career aspirations with your critical thinking abilities. Whether you’re pursuing a career in law, finance, or any other field, the Watson-Glaser Assessment can assist you in identifying the most suitable opportunities.
  • Employer Preference: Many organizations incorporate aptitude tests like Watson-Glaser into their hiring processes. Excelling in this test can significantly enhance your chances of securing your desired job.

How to Excel in the Watson-Glaser Assessment Practice Test

  • Understand the Test Format: Familiarize yourself with the structure of the test, including the types of questions and time limits for each section.
  • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to success. Solve sample questions and take mock tests to improve your critical thinking skills and familiarity with the test format.
  • Time Management: Efficiently manage your time during the test. Don’t spend too much time on a single question; move on and return to it later if needed.
  • Seek Guidance: Consider enrolling in a test preparation course or consulting with career advisors who can provide valuable strategies and insights.
  • Review and Learn: After each practice test, review the questions you answered incorrectly. Understand where you made mistakes and use those lessons to enhance your performance.

About WATSON GLASER  company

WATSON GLASER The Watson Glaser test is an aptitude assessment used by law practices to test critical thinking ability among other skills. Watson Glaser critical thinking test is used by firms to shortlist candidates for training contracts and vacation schemes WATSON GLASER mostly uses Watson Glaser-style tests for its candidate selection. The sections on the assessments may include any of the following test sections, depending on the role that you applied to and also the country you are applying from:

  1. Written Exercise
  2. Case Study
  3. Situational Judgement Test
  4. Presentation
  5. Proof Reading Test
  6. Personality Test

Assessment of Inferences Sample Question


Two hundred students in their early teens voluntarily attended a recent weekend student conference in a city in England. At this conference, the topics of race equality and means of achieving lasting world peace were discussed, since these were the problems the students selected as being most vital in today’s world.

2. Recognition of Assumptions

In the recognition of assumptions section of the Watson Glaser test, you’re given another statement to examine. You are then given a number of assumptions and asked if these have, or have not, been made in the statement.

Recognition of Assumptions Sample question

We need to save time in getting there so we’d better go by plane.

Top Five Ways to Improve Your Watson Glaser Test Performance

3. Deduction

With Watson Glaser’s deduction questions, you are given a passage followed by a number of proposed conclusions to it. You must decide whether or not the conclusion ‘follows’, or ‘does not follow the information given in the passage. Think about the assumptions task above and apply the same logic here. Bear in mind that a conclusion cannot be an assumption.

Deduction Sample question

Statement: Some Sundays are rainy. All rainy days are boring. Therefore:

4. Interpretation

For the interpretation questions of the Watson Glaser test, you need to understand the significance of a piece of information and apply it logically. You are given a short paragraph followed by several suggested conclusions. Again, you should assume that everything in the passage is true. On this basis, you will assess whether the conclusions given follow on from the information provided.

Interpretation Sample Question

A study of vocabulary growth in children from ages eight months to six years old shows that the size of spoken vocabulary increases from zero words at age eight months to 2,562 words at age six years.

5. Evaluation of Arguments

The aim of the Watson Glaser evaluation of argument questions is to assess whether you can distinguish strong arguments from weak ones. Strong arguments are highly relevant, realistic, and challenge the argument given. The key to answering these questions is to disregard your personal opinion and think logically.

Evaluation of Arguments Sample question

Should all young adults in the United Kingdom go on to higher education at university?

What Is a Good Watson Glaser Test Score?

What is classed as a good score on the Watson Glaser depends on the firm you are applying to. The Watson Glaser pass mark varies from year to year depending on the average Watson Glaser test results achieved by candidates to each firm. To give yourself the best chance of being selected by the law firm you apply to, aim for a score of 75% or more. You should never aim to just pass the test because most law firms will use the Watson Glaser test results to decide between candidates who are doing equally well as each other in other parts of the recruitment process, like in their training contract applications.

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