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BAKER & MCKENZIE Graduate Online Assessment Practice Test [Year]

BAKER & MCKENZIE Practice Aptitude Test Pack For 2023

BAKER & MCKENZIE Online Practice Test [Year]

If you’re aspiring to join one of the world’s leading law firms, Baker & McKenzie, in 2024, you’re undoubtedly aware of the competitive nature of the recruitment process. One essential step in securing your dream position is acing the Baker & McKenzie Practice Aptitude Test. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the details of the test pack for 2024, offering insights, tips, and strategies to help you succeed.

1. Understanding the Baker & McKenzie Practice Aptitude Test:

Before diving into preparation, it’s crucial to comprehend the nature and purpose of the Baker & McKenzie Practice Aptitude Test. This assessment evaluates your analytical and critical thinking abilities, as well as your aptitude for the legal profession. It consists of several sections, each designed to assess specific skills.

2. Sections of the Test:

  • Verbal Reasoning: This section evaluates your ability to analyze complex written information, extract key details, and make inferences. We’ll provide tips on enhancing your reading and comprehension skills.
  • Numerical Reasoning: In this section, you’ll tackle mathematical problems that are relevant to legal scenarios. We’ll offer guidance on brushing up your mathematical skills and time management.
  • Critical Thinking: Baker & McKenzie values candidates who can think critically and solve problems efficiently. We’ll explore various critical thinking exercises and how to approach them.
  • Situational Judgment: This section assesses your ability to handle ethical dilemmas and make sound decisions. We’ll discuss strategies for tackling these scenarios effectively.

3. Preparing for Success:

  • Practice Tests: Utilize the Baker & McKenzie Practice Aptitude Test Pack for 2023, which includes simulated tests mirroring the real assessment. Regular practice is key to improving your performance.
  • Time Management: Learn how to manage your time efficiently during the test. We’ll provide tips on allocating the right amount of time to each section.
  • Seek Feedback: Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from mentors or peers who have experience with aptitude tests. Constructive criticism can help you refine your skills.

4. Additional Resources:

  • Books: There are many books available that focus on aptitude test preparation. We’ll recommend some top choices.
  • Online Courses: Explore online courses and tutorials that can help you refine your skills in the specific areas tested.

5. Test Day Strategies:

  • Stay Calm: On test day, it’s crucial to remain calm and composed. We’ll share relaxation techniques and mindfulness exercises to help you manage test anxiety.
  • Double-Check: Before submitting your answers, make sure to double-check your work for any errors or omissions.

Sample Questions for BAKER & MCKENZIE  Graduate Practice Tests and Worked solutions

BAKER & MCKENZIE Graduate Practice Pack Numerical Reasoning


Approximately what percentage of graduates and non-graduates are self-employed?

A. 10%

B. 14%

C. 17%

D. 22%

E. 23%

EXPLANATION Self-employed graduate = 210,000 Self-employed non-graduate = 198,000 and the total = 408,000 Total = 2,100,000 = 900,000 = 3,000,000 Approximate percentage = 408,000/3,000,000 x 100 = 13.6% ≈ 14% Answer: (A)



If the number of graduates employed in Health is forecast to decline by 20% year-on-year while the number of non-graduates is forecast to remain the same, how many years will it take for non-graduate employees to outnumber graduate employees in Health?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

E. 5

EXPLANATION: 1st year decline by 20% in health for graduates = 20/100 x 315,000 = 63,000 315,000 – 63,000 = 252, 000 2nd year decline by 20% in health for graduates = 20/100 x 252,000 = 50,400 252,000– 50,400 = 201,600, 3rd year decline by 20% in health for graduate = 20/100 x 2101,600 = 40,320 201,600 – 40,320 = 161280, so if required 3 years. Answer: (C)



If the number of graduates employed in Education remains the same while the number of non-graduates increases by 15% per year, how many years will it take for the number of nongraduates to exceed the number of graduates employed in education?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

E. 7

EXPLANATION 1st year 15% increase for non-graduate in education 0.15 x 117,000 = 17,550 117,000 17,550 = 134,550 2nd year 15% increase for non-graduate in education 0.15 x 134,550 = 20,182.5 134,550 20,182.5 = 154,732.5 3rd year 15% increase for non-graduate in education 0.15 x 154,732.5 = 23, 209.875 23,209.875 154,732.5 = 177,942.375 4th year 15% increase for non-graduate in education 0.15 x 177,942.375 = 26,691.35 26,691.35 177,942.375 = 204,633.73 5th year 15% increase for non-graduate in education 0.15 x 204,633.73 = 30,695.06 30,695.06 204,633.73 = 235,328.79 6th year 15% increase for non-graduate in education 0.15 x 235,328.79 = 35299.32 35299.32 235,328.79 = 280,628.11 7th year 15% increase for non-graduate in education 0.15 x 270,628.11 = 40,594.22 40,594.22 270,628.11 = 311,222.33 is the year 7th Answer: (E)


What is the number of self-employed graduates as a proportion of the total number of individuals in Tarleton district?

A. 3%

B. 4%

C. 5%

D. 6%

E. 7%

EXPLANATION Self-employed graduate = 210,000 Total individual = 210,000 900,000 = 3,000,000 Proportion = 210,000/3,000,000 x 100 = 0.07 x 100 = 7% Answer: (E)

BAKER & MCKENZIE Graduate Practice Pack Verbal Reasoning

In the past 12 months, benefit fraud has fallen by £½ billion to its lowest level for over a decade. The fall is equivalent to a 25 percent drop to 1.5 percent of the total £100 billion benefit bill. This spectacular fall follows permission for the benefit office to access Inland Revenue taxation data. Benefit officers can now immediately check to see if a claimant is working and claiming benefits intended only for those out of work. This new measure has led to over 80,000 people being caught making false claims. A similar initiative has also succeeded in a substantial cut in the level of fraud committed by claimants of housing benefits. Local authorities are responsible for the administration of this allowance which is awarded to the unemployed and low-paid to help with housing costs. Until recently local authority staff had been unable to access central government records to check the information provided by claimants. These checks have so far identified 44,000 claimants who have provided false information in order to make claims for allowances for which they are not eligible.

Question 1. By making it possible to share information, over 120,000 cases of fraud have been detected.

A. True

B. False

C. Cannot tell

Question 2.

Ten years ago the level of benefit fraud was higher.

A. True

B. False

C. Cannot tell


Question 3.

Only the unemployed should legitimately claim these benefits.

A. True

B. False

C. Cannot tell

Question 4.

The tone of the passage suggests that these reductions in fraud are a good thing.

A. True

B. False

C. Cannot tell

Question 5.

A year ago the level of benefit fraud totaled £2 billion.

A. True

B. False

C. Cannot tell


Question 1. A, Explanation: 80,000 by benefit officers and 44,000 by local authorities;

Question 2. B, Explanation: The passage states that the new lower total was the lowest for 10 years so the level must have been lower 10 years ago;

Question 3. B, Explanation: Housing benefit is also awarded to the low-paid;

Question 4. An Explanation: In the passage, the fall in false claims is described as spectacular;

Question 5. A, Explanation: The passage states that the £½ billion drop is equivalent to 25%, so the level of fraud 12 months previously would have been £2 billion. 50 Ultimate psychometric tests

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