About the Art of Network Architecture
The Art of Network Architecture is the first book that places business needs and capabilities at the center of the process of architecting and evolving networks.
Two leading enterprise network architects help you craft solutions that are fully aligned with business strategy, smoothly accommodate change, and maximize future flexibility.
Russ White and Denise Donohue guide network designers in asking and answering the crucial questions that lead to elegant, high-value solutions. Carefully blending business and technical concerns, they show how to optimize all network interactions involving flow, time, and people.
The authors review important links between business requirements and network design, helping you capture the information you need to design effectively. They introduce today’s most useful models and frameworks, fully addressing modularity, resilience, security, and management. Next, they drill down into network structure and arrangement, covering virtualization, overlays, modern routing choices, and highly complex network environments.
The authors examine crucial connections between business needs and network design, aiding in gathering essential information for effective design. They introduce today’s most useful models and frameworks, fully addressing modularity, resilience, security, and management. Next, they drill down into network structure and topology, covering virtualization, overlays, modern routing choices, and highly complex network environments.
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