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Santander Graduate Online Assessment Practice Test [Year]

Santander Graduate Practice Aptitude Test Pack 2022

Santander Online Practice Test

Santander, a global banking and financial services institution, offers a world of opportunities for individuals looking to embark on a career in the dynamic world of finance. As part of their comprehensive selection process, candidates may encounter the Santander Practice Aptitude Test. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what the Santander Practice Aptitude Test entails, why it’s essential, and how you can prepare effectively to stand out in the competitive field of banking and finance.

The Santander Practice Aptitude Test is your gateway to a rewarding career in the dynamic and ever-evolving world of finance. It not only evaluates your cognitive abilities but also offers insights into your strengths and areas that require development. By preparing diligently and excelling in this test, you can enhance your employability and open doors to exciting career opportunities at Santander and other prestigious financial institutions. Embrace the challenge, master the Santander test, and embark on a journey towards excellence in the realm of banking and finance. Your financial career awaits!

Understanding the Santander Practice Aptitude Test

The Santander Practice Aptitude Test is a robust assessment designed to evaluate a candidate’s cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills, particularly within the context of banking, finance, and customer service. It encompasses various domains, including numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, situational judgment, and critical thinking. Santander uses this test to identify individuals who not only meet the qualifications but also possess the aptitude to excel in roles related to retail banking, financial management, and customer relationship management.

Why is it Important?

  • Competitive Advantage: In the highly competitive financial job market, excelling in the Santander Practice Aptitude Test can give you a significant advantage. It showcases your ability to think critically, analyze financial data, and provide top-notch customer service—qualities highly valued by financial institutions like Santander.
  • Skills Validation: Taking the Santander Practice Aptitude Test offers valuable insights into your cognitive strengths and areas that may need improvement. This self-awareness can guide your career choices and help you focus on honing specific skills.
  • Alignment with Career Aspirations: The test results can assist you in aligning your career aspirations with your abilities. Whether you’re interested in investment banking, retail banking, or financial consulting, the Santander test can help you identify the most suitable opportunities.
  • Preferred Candidate: Leading financial institutions use aptitude tests to select candidates with the right blend of qualifications and cognitive skills. Excelling in this test can significantly enhance your chances of securing a position at prestigious institutions like Santander.

Preparing for Success

  • Understanding the Test Format: Start by familiarizing yourself with the structure of the Santander Practice Aptitude Test, including the types of questions and time limits for each section.
  • Regular Practice: Consistent practice is key. Solve sample questions, take mock tests, and use practice resources provided by Santander to improve your problem-solving skills and time management.
  • Situational Judgment: Pay special attention to the situational judgment section, as it assesses your ability to make decisions in real-world scenarios related to banking and finance.
  • Time Management: During the actual test, efficiently manage your time. Don’t get stuck on a single question or section; move forward and return to it later if necessary.
  • Seek Guidance: Consider enrolling in a test preparation course or consulting with career advisors who can provide valuable strategies and insights tailored to banking and finance aptitude tests.

About Santander company

The company’s brand represents their Group in all markets where they are present, representing the consistency of their solid standing and trustworthiness, and their steadfast commitment to employees, customers, shareholders and communities. For more than 160 years the brand has constantly evolved, revitalizing and adapting to the requirements of the markets where it is present. These last few years have been key for securing their position of leadership as they continue to focus on meaningful innovation, international expansion, and their steadfast commitment ever-growing responsibility in banking practices. The Santander Brand is a sum total of many experiences. It is a true reflection of who they are and how they express themselves through visual elements such as their logotype, symbol and emblematic red color, as well as their typography and photographic style, their verbal identity and their tone of voice when they engage and communicate with people. What they do, how they behave and engage with people, and everything they say and how they say it comprises all that their brand is and what it stands for.

Santander Aptitude tests formats; What to expect:

Santander mostly uses Cut-e Assessment style tests for its candidate selection. The sections on the assessments may include any of the following test sections, depending on the role that you applied to and also the country you are applying from:

  1. Numerical Reasoning
  2. Verbal Reasoning
  3. Abstract Reasoning Test
  4. Inductive Reasoning
  5. Deductive Reasoning
  6. Spatial Reasoning
  7. Situational Judgement Test
  8. Group Exercise
  9. Presentation
  10. Interview
  11. Personality Test

Sample Santander Assessment Practice Tests and Worked solutions


Numerical Reasoning Questions:

1. A company’s revenue increased by 25% in the first quarter and then decreased by 15% in the second quarter. What was the overall percentage change in revenue for the two quarters?
A) 10%
B) 5%
C) 7.5%
D) 8.75%
Answer: D) 8.75%

2. A train travels from City A to City B at a speed of 80 miles per hour and returns from City B to City A at a speed of 60 miles per hour. What is the average speed for the entire round trip?
A) 66 miles per hour
B) 70 miles per hour
C) 72 miles per hour
D) 75 miles per hour
Answer: B) 70 miles per hour

3. If a shirt originally costs $60 and is on sale for 30% off, how much will it cost after the discount?
A) $45
B) $42
C) $48
D) $50
Answer: B) $42

4. In a class of 30 students, 20% are studying mathematics, 25% are studying history, and the rest are studying both mathematics and history. How many students are studying both subjects?
A) 3
B) 6
C) 9
D) 12
Answer: B) 6

5. If the area of a rectangle is 48 square meters and its length is 8 meters, what is the width of the rectangle?
A) 6 meters
B) 4 meters
C) 12 meters
D) 16 meters
Answer: A) 6 meters

6. A store initially had 120 items in stock. If 15% of the items were sold, how many items are still in stock?
A) 95
B) 100
C) 105
D) 110
Answer: C) 105

7. If a car’s fuel efficiency is 30 miles per gallon, how many gallons of gasoline will it need to travel 450 miles?
A) 15
B) 12
C) 10
D) 9
Answer: A) 15

8. The price of a laptop is $800, and it is on sale with a 12% discount. If sales tax at a rate of 8% is applied after the discount, what is the final price of the laptop?
A) $710.40
B) $748.80
C) $800.00
D) $864.00
Answer: A) $710.40


Verbal Reasoning Questions:

1. What is the synonym of “aberration”?

A) Norm
B) Anomaly
C) Deviation
D) Regularity
Answer: B) Anomaly

2. Identify the antonym of “ephemeral.”

A) Lasting
B) Temporary
C) Transitory
D) Permanent
Answer: D) Permanent

3. Choose the word that best completes the sentence: “Her __________ smile brightened everyone’s day.”

A) Pleasant
B) Radiant
C) Disguised
D) Grudging
Answer: B) Radiant

4. Which word is an example of a homonym?

A) Break (to fracture)
B) Brake (a device to stop a vehicle)
C) Brink (the edge of something)
D) Breathe (to inhale and exhale)
Answer: A) Break (to fracture) and Brake (a device to stop a vehicle)

5. What is the meaning of the idiom “cast in stone”?

A) Carved from rock
B) Immutable or unchangeable
C) A type of jewelry
D) Created with artistic flair
Answer: B) Immutable or unchangeable

6. In the sentence, “The novel’s plot was replete with unexpected twists and turns,” what does “replete” mean?

A) Devoid
B) Lacking
C) Full or abundant
D) Tiresome
Answer: C) Full or abundant

7. Identify the correct sentence:

A) “Their going to the park.”
B) “They’re going to the park.”
C) “There going to the park.”
D) “Theres going to the park.”
Answer: B) “They’re going to the park.”

8. Which of the following is a compound sentence?

A) “She loves to read books.”
B) “I enjoy hiking in the mountains.”
C) “He studied for the test, and he did well.”
D) “The cat sleeps on the windowsill.”
Answer: C) “He studied for the test, and he did well.”


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